
Regex Colorizer 1.0.0

Included in
Awesome Regex

Regex Colorizer adds syntax highlighting to your regular expressions in blogs, docs, regex testers, and other tools. Supports the JavaScript regex flavor (ES2022) with web reality. In other words, it highlights regexes as web browsers actually interpret them.

The API is simple. Just give the elements that contain your regexes (pre, code, or whatever) the class regex, and call RegexColorizer.colorizeAll(). See more usage examples below.

Errors are highlighted, along with some edge cases that can cause cross-browser grief. Hover over errors for a description of the problem.

[5 KB min/gzip, no dependencies.]


Several themes are available as stylesheets, but you don’t need to add a stylesheet to your page to use the default theme. Just run RegexColorizer.loadStyles().


// Don't run this line if you provide your own stylesheet

// Highlight all elements with class 'regex'

// Or provide a querySelectorAll value for elements to highlight
  selector: '.regex',

// Optionally provide flags
  // Flags provided in data-flags attributes will override this
  flags: 'u',

// You can also just get the highlighting HTML for a specific pattern
element.innerHTML = RegexColorizer.colorizePattern('(?<=\\d)', {
  flags: 'u',

In your HTML:

  This regex is highlighted inline:
  <code class="regex">(?&lt;=\d)\p{L}\8</code>.

  And here's the same regex but with different rules from flag u:
  <code class="regex" data-flags="u">(?&lt;=\d)\p{L}\8</code>.
<!-- Can include any valid flags. Ex: data-flags="gimsuyd" -->


See the demo page for more details.